What Are the Three Levels of Moral Accountability Highlighted by Jesus in Matthew 5:22?

Discover the depths of Jesus' teachings on moral accountability in 'What Are the Three Levels of Moral Accountability Highlighted by Jesus in Matthew 5:22?' This insightful article delves into the Sermon on the Mount, examining the escalating degrees of sin and judgment related to anger and contempt. Unpack the profound implications of Jesus’ words for personal conduct and spiritual health, highlighting the significance of internal righteousness over external actions.

Does the Bible Teach That There Is a Purgatory?

In this article, we will explore the question, "Does the Bible teach that there is a purgatory?" Purgatory, a concept often associated with Catholicism, refers to a place or state of purification where souls are believed to undergo cleansing before entering heaven. While some argue that the Bible supports the idea of purgatory, others contend that it is not explicitly mentioned in the scriptures. Join us as we delve into the biblical passages and theological perspectives surrounding this intriguing topic.

David Versus Goliath—Did It Really Happen?

Is the biblical story of David and Goliath based on real people and events? This article explores the historical accuracy of this iconic narrative, focusing on Goliath's height, David's existence, and the geographical setting of the story to shed light on its authenticity.

UNDER CHRISTIANITY Are the Jews Still God’s Chosen People?

Delve into an in-depth exploration of the status of Jews as God's chosen people under Christianity, tracing its historical context from the times of the Israelites, through the era of Greek philosophical influence, up to the present day, with an emphasis on biblical references and interpretations.

Defending the Historical Existence of Jesus: A Comprehensive Examination

Explore the compelling evidence supporting the historical existence of Jesus Christ. This comprehensive examination draws from non-Christian accounts, early Christian documents, and the contextual plausibility of Jesus's life. Learn about Dr. Gary Habermas's minimal facts approach, a scholarly consensus that adds to the robust case for Jesus's historicity.

Assyria in Bible History

Explore the accuracy of the Bible's prophecies on Assyria and the coming of the Prince of Peace, fulfilled through Jesus Christ. Discover the message of peace and hope taught by the Bible and the contrast with the world's focus on war and conflict.

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