Defending the Authenticity, Authorship, and Date of the Bible Book of Amos

This comprehensive article rigorously defends the authenticity, authorship, and date of the Bible Book of Amos. Drawing from textual and archaeological evidence and historical contexts, we refute critical arguments against its genuineness and establish the Book of Amos as a crucial part of Old Testament inspired, inerrant literature. Utilizing a conservative scholarly approach, we dismantle criticisms and affirm that the Book of Amos is an authoritative text.

Textual Criticism and the Authenticity of the New Testament—Unveiling the Original Word

This article sheds light on the importance of textual criticism in validating the authenticity of the New Testament. The richness and antiquity of the manuscripts, their internal consistency, and the extra-biblical evidence testify to the unbroken chain of biblical truth. This comprehensive study affirms the New Testament's historical reliability, strengthening our faith in the enduring Word of God.

The Shroud of Turin—Is It the Burial Cloth of Jesus?

The Shroud of Turin is a centuries-old linen cloth bearing the image of a crucified man that some believe to be Jesus. This article explores the authenticity of the shroud and examines various hypotheses on its origin, including painting, acid pigmentation, medieval photography, dust-transfer technique, bas-relief, and Maillard reaction. Discover the mysteries behind the controversial shroud and decide for yourself if it is indeed the burial cloth of Jesus.

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